Álvaro Palmeira Montenegro Avatar

MVP Profile

Álvaro Palmeira Montenegro

MVP 2025


MVP 2024






Technology 2025

Technology 2025



LinkedIn - Carousel: 5 Tips for Sitecore Developers (Part 2)

To promote content in a different strategy, I created a carousel to share 5 tips for Sitecore Developers (part 2).



LinkedIn - Carousel: 5 Tips for Sitecore Developers

To promote content in a different strategy, I created a carousel to share 5 tips for Sitecore Developers.



Exploring Generative AI for Sitecore Developers – NY Metro SUG

I had the opportunity to be a speaker at the NY Metro SUG. The topic of my presentation is "Exploring Generative AI for Sitecore Developers" and I discuss how Sitecore Developers can leverage the AI's tools for their daily work.

Sitecore XP



Exploring Generative AI for Sitecore Developers – SUG Latam

I had the opportunity to be a speaker at the SUG Latam. The topic of my presentation is "Exploring Generative AI for Sitecore Developers" and I discuss how Sitecore Developers can leverage the AI's tools for their daily work.

Sitecore XP



LinkedIn - How do you keep up with Sitecore updates and new features?

Answered the below questions for the article "How do you keep up with Sitecore updates and new features?"

  1. Follow the official Sitecore channels
  • Link: https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/how-do-you-keep-up-sitecore-updates?trackingId=X%2F0Qu5KjVVMjTCAdLam2BA%3D%3D&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_recent_activity_content_view%3BM5HGJotyRVuGRw4PxGocvQ%3D%3D&lang=en&utm_source=share&utm_campaign=copy_contribution_link&utm_medium=member_desktop&contributionUrn=urn%3Ali%3Aco...



Webinar - Sitecore Mentorship Program 2024

I had the opportunity to be a speaker along with Eric Sanner at the 1º Webinar for the mentees of the Sitecore Mentorship Program 2024. The topic of our presentation was "Unleashing Creativity: A Guide to Effective Content Production and Shameless Self-Promotion" and we discussed about effective content production and promotion of yourself.

  • Link: https://sitecore1.sharepoint.com/sites/EXTERNAL-Team-MVPProgram-EXTERNAL-MVPMentorProgram/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FEXTERNAL%2DTeam%2D...



LinkedIn - How do you update and upgrade Sitecore sites and modules without compromising performance and stability?

Answered the below questions for the article "How do you update and upgrade Sitecore sites and modules without compromising performance and stability?"

  1. How to prepare for Sitecore updates and upgrades?
  • Link: https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/how-do-you-update-upgrade-sitecore?trackingId=L3alokYGps%2FeLsxOMV7Alg%3D%3D&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_recent_activity_content_view%3BM5HGJotyRVuGRw4PxGocvQ%3D%3D&lang=en&utm_source=share&utm_campaign=copy_contribution_l...



Sitecore Community Mentorship Program 2024

I had the pleasure of participating in the Sitecore Community Mentorship Program 2024 mentoring Andy Phelps.



Sitecore XP Uninstaller

I've developed a PowerShell script designed to automate the full uninstallation process of Sitecore XP 9.3 and later versions.

Sitecore XP



Sitecore MVP Website - Countdown Showing Before the Expected Date

Helped to clarify a non-identified feature for the MVP Website

Initially, reported as a bug, I noted in February that the MVP Countdown was showing on the Application page saying that the "Application is open" and the amount of time left.

Later, Rob clarified that it's a new feature and a desired behavior.

Sitecore XM Cloud



[Sitecore For Newbies] - Customizing Your Sitecore Instance

This is the sixth video of my [Sitecore For Newbies] series. I brought here 4 ways to customize your Sitecore instance:

  1. How to Change the Desktop Background
  2. How to Change the Login Background
  3. How to Add Shortcuts to the Desktop
  4. How to Improve your Content Editor Ribbon

Sitecore XP



LinkedIn - Promoting the Community

  1. Promoting and sharing the Sitecore Mentorship Program - Link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/engmontenegro_sitecorecommunity-sitecore-sitecoremvp-activity-7166503795722588161-2B4j?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

  2. Promoting the Sitecore Mentorship Webinar - Link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/engmontenegro_sitecore-sitecoremvp-mvp-activity-7189622313535860737-Knft?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

  3. Promoting and sharing insights from Sitecore Symposium 2024 - L...



Technology 2024

Technology 2024



All My Blog Posts

I have written 8 blog posts in my blog (https://alvaropmontenegro.com/), and I'd like to validate these:

  1. Improving Web Accessibility: How to Fix Null and Duplicate IDs - 01/19/2024 - Link: https://alvaropmontenegro.com/2024/01/19/improving-web-accessibility-how-to-fix-null-and-duplicate-ids/

  2. [Sitecore For Newbies] Customizing Your Sitecore Instance - 03/05/2024 - Link: https://alvaropmontenegro.com/2024/03/05/sitecore-for-newbies-customizing-your-sitecore-instance/

  3. Sitecore...



Sitecore StackExchange

I have answered 6 questions in the Sitecore StackExchange:

  1. “sitecore query from field value” - 12/08/23 (Accepted Answer and Marked 3 times as Useful) https://sitecore.stackexchange.com/questions/36643/sitecore-query-from-field-value/36651#36651

  2. “Where / How is Title determined when uploading file” – 12/08/23 (Marked 1 time as Useful) https://sitecore.stackexchange.com/questions/36633/where-how-is-title-determined-when-uploading-file/36652#36652

  3. “Custom hidden field for S...



Sitecore Community Slack Channel

I have answered 5 questions in our Sitecore Community on Slack. Slack provides access to the history chat for only three months (free plan), so I preferred to create a PDF file with screenshots of the conversations and links as well. I have attached this PDF to my blog.



[Sitecore For Newbies] - 8 Different Ways For Searching Items

This is the 5º video of my series of short videos for beginners, which includes the following tips:

  1. General Search in the Content Tree
  2. Advanced Search using Filters and Operations
  3. Media Library Search
  4. Experience Editor Search
  5. Searching for a Field
  6. Desktop Mode Search
  7. Raw Search
  8. SPE Search

Sitecore XP



[Sitecore For Newbies] - 5 Tips that will save your time - Part 3

This is the 4º video of my series of short videos for beginners, which includes the following tips:

  1. Keyboard Shortcuts:
  2. Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
  3. Quick Action Bar
  4. Favorite Items
  5. Finding Icons

Sitecore XP



[Sitecore For Newbies] – SPE – A Tool to Empower Sitecore Developers

This is the 3º video of my series of short videos for beginners, which includes the following tips:

  1. Generating Fast Packages
  2. Reports
  3. Automating Tasks with Custom Scripts
  4. Scheduled Tasks
  5. Bonus: Transforming Large Media Items into Small Packages

Sitecore XP



Cursor: An Outstanding AI-Powered IDE for Sitecore Developers

In this video, I talk about Cursor which is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) combined with GPT3.5, and how Sitecore Developers can benefit from its use. This IDE is an alternative to GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT, also it's similar to Visual Code, but with a smart chatbot embedded on it. So here, I show how to leverage the many benefits of the Cursor, such as:

  1. Explaining code, even the Sitecore statements,
  2. Creating initial code for Views and Controllers,
  3. Improving bad code...



[Sitecore For Newbies] - 5 Tips that will save your time

This is the 2º video of my series of short videos for beginners, which includes the following tips:

  1. Desktop Mode
  2. Web Database
  3. Logs
  4. Generate a Package
  5. Install Packages

Sitecore XP



[Sitecore For Newbies] - 6 Tips that will save your time

This is the 1º video of my series of short videos for beginners, which includes the following tips:

  1. Recycle Bin
  2. Navigation
  3. Links
  4. Config files
  5. Developer Tab
  6. Rebuild Index

Sitecore XP



All My Blog Posts

I have written 19 blog posts in my personal blog (https://alvaropmontenegro.com/), and I'd like to validate these ones:

  1. Http Error 503.2 – Service Unavailable (01/07/2023)
  2. Unicorn Error – There Is An Extends Inheritance Loop, Or A Container Extending A Nonexistent Container Name (02/11/2023)
  3. The 10 topics you must study for Sitecore 10 .Net Developer Certification (03/21/2023)
  4. [Sitecore For Newbies] 6 tips that will save your time! (03/29/2023)
  5. [Sitecore For Newbies] 5 tip...

Sitecore XP